hmm...I'm little bit bored.. I have vacation, but nothing to do!
OMG....I want to go to shopping, but it's reall horrible chilly outside:p
2010년 12월 30일 목요일
little bit bored~
작성자: Jasmine 시간: 12/30/2010 01:31:00 오전 0 개의 댓글
2010년 12월 27일 월요일
it's my performance video~
how do you think about this?
do my class good?
we won the first prize!!!XD
작성자: Jasmine 시간: 12/27/2010 10:29:00 오후 0 개의 댓글
작성자: Jasmine 시간: 12/27/2010 10:12:00 오후 0 개의 댓글
2010년 12월 8일 수요일
I don't have a time
hi~:) hmm...I don't have a time to decorate my blog...
cuz thesedays, I'm promoting my school to middle school students(as you know, I'm a senior in high school) and also I have to prepare my final exams..
this is my lastest exam of this year. so I think it's little bit important~haha
anyway, after my busy things I'll start decorating my bolg!!XD
작성자: Jasmine 시간: 12/08/2010 04:51:00 오전 0 개의 댓글
2010년 11월 30일 화요일
I'm in my school now~~ computer class.. oh!!
I don't like computer class.. the teacher is so wierd. that's why
작성자: Jasmine 시간: 11/30/2010 05:20:00 오후 0 개의 댓글